The Bioinformateachers

Learn data, learn life.


Filippo Biscarini, Ph.D. Biostatistician @ CNR Bioinformatics, biostatistics, genomics, machine learning, deep learning

National Research Council (CNR)
Institute for Biology and Biotechnology Via A. Corti n. 12, 20133 Milan (Italy)

Research summary

My research activities span from plant and animal breeding & genetics, to bioinformatics and biostatistics applications in plant & animal science and human medicine. I worked for the breeding industry, for universities and research centres and for international organizations in many places: Italy, Ireland, Canada, The Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Madagascar, The United Kingdom, Belgium. I am now Senior Scientist at CNR. Currently, I have rejoined my research group in Milan after being seconded for two years at the Data Analysis Team of the ERC (European Research Council). Current projects include: deep neural network models for image, sound, text and tabular data in (semi)supervised and unsupervised problems; machine learning methods for the prediction of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions from dairy farms; measuring the accuracy of imputing missing genetic variants in diploid genomes under challenging scenarios; using environmental descriptors (“enviromics”) to model GxE (genotype by environment) interactions in genomic predictions; GWAS for survival to covid-19 in a large integrated heterogeneous dataset; developing methods and tools to detect and interpret runs of homozygosity (ROH) and heterozygosity-rich regions (HRR) in diploid genomes.

Research topics


Research positions


Very smart people who I had the honor of mentoring:



Invited speeches

Thesis supervision



Bridge, Waterpolo, Guitar, Mystery Novels